
Osteogen Research

There are two main active ingredients in BONEIN®: Strontium and a Marine Mineral Complex formed on a specific algae that grows on the sea bed floors off Iceland and Ireland.
The marine mineral complex, which consists of mainly calcium carbonate, has been shown to have an extremely high bio-availability for laying down calcium in bone.
As shown on the label,  the marine mineral complex supplies a rich source of calcium along with a broad range of trace elements.
Strontium, or specifically salts of strontium, have been shown to activate the bone matrix mechanism. And as such was used for osteoporosis in Europe. Independently it has been shown to be of benefit in treatment of arthritis in the knees of people.

Marine Mineral Complex


Clinical Description of Osteoarthritis

Joint instability results in possible joint inflammation due to disruption of the cartilage matrix. In a normal joint, under a dynamic weighted load, small micro fractures form just below the joint surface.
In a normal physiologic state a “bone matrix mechanism” consisting of cells laying down new bone and other cells picking up bone, these little fractures are easily repaired. In overly stressed joints, the bone matrix mechanism can be overwhelmed.

Examples of overwhelmed joints would be in performance animals and in older people. In older people, as the metabolism has slowed, so has the action of the bone matrix mechanism. In these cases as the bone becomes softer,  the joint becomes unstable.

These minerals are fortified with different vitamins and some formulations have an organosulfur compound included as well. 
As an example a mouse’s femur, having received the complex, is almost three times thicker than the mouse’s femur that did not receive the supplement.

Scientific References

▸ Calcium – Scientific Article (Link)

A Mineral-Rich Extract from the Red Marine Algae Lithothamnion calcareum Preserves Bone Structure and Function in Female Mice on a Western-Style Diet

▸ Calcium – Scientific Article (Link)

A natural seaweed derived mineral supplement for knee osteoarthritis

▸ Calcium – Scientific Article (Link)

A natural mineral supplement provides relief from knee osteoarthritis symptoms

▸ Strontium – Scientific Article (PDF)

Possible benefits of strontium ranelate in complicated long bone fractures

▸ Strontium – Scientific Article (PDF)

Mechanism of action of strontium ranelate: what are the facts?

▸ Strontium – Scientific Article (Link)

The clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of strontium ranelate for the prevention of osteoporotic fragility fractures in postmenopausal women

▸ Strontium – Scientific Article (Link)

Efficacy and safety of strontium ranelate in the treatment of osteoporosis in men

▸ Strontium – Scientific Article (Link)

Strontium ranelate: a new paradigm in the treatment of osteoporosis

▸ Strontium – Scientific Article (Link)

Strontium ranelate: a dual mode of action rebalancing bone turnover in favour of bone formation

▸ Strontium – Scientific Article (Link)

Strontium ranelate in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: new insights and emerging clinical evidence  

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